SINCE BRITAIN'S FIRST DIAGNOSIS - On June 5th 1981, a medical journal in the States documented a mysterious illness that had killed five men in Los Angeles. It was the first reference to what would later be known as Aids and by December of that year - exactly 30 years ago this month - the first case of Aids was diagnosed in the UK. Today marks not only that anniversary, but also World Aids Day which, since 1988 has been observed around the world to commemorate those who have died from the disease and also to raise awareness of the issue and to raise funds for continued research into a possible cure and treatment. Over 86,500 people in the UK are currently living with HIV, part of a world-wide epidemic of which the World Health Authority (WHO) estimates more than 30 million adults and close to 3 million children are sufferers. In the last 30 years, Aids has claimed many lives in the UK and in 2011 86,500 are HIV positive, four times as many as in 1993.
Despite this, AIDS diagnoses have halved in the same time period thanks to advances in treatment as doctors have been able to combat the HIV virus with a growing armory of anti-retroviral medication. While 30 years ago an HIV/Aids diagnoses was seen as a death sentence, today HIV/AIDS is now considered a chronic condition rather than a fatal disease. This week the government announced it has launched a consultation about changing the current restrictions on doctors and dentists with HIV working in the NHS. A working group has recommended that those with HIV should be allowed to undertake “exposure prone procedures” provided they are taking antiretroviral drugs and are being monitored. There have been no reported transmissions in Britain, despite more than 25 cases in the last 12 years where a patient has been exposed to an HIV-infected doctor, dentist or other health worker. More than 10,000 patients have been tested.
Thursday, December 1st marks the 23rd anniversary of World AIDS Day, commemorating the 25 million people around the world who have died from the disease since the first reported cases in 1981. There have been significant treatment advances since then and the number of people with HIV who get AIDS has decreased over time because of advances in medical care and ART. Still, more than 16,000 people with AIDS die each year. AIDS, caused by our erroneous living - especially irresponsible sex - oblige us to get conscious and change for better.WHAT DO THE VEDIC TEACHINGS TELL US?
Every religious system every religious path that is actually authorized teaches how to clean your heart, how to purify your mind, how to see your true eternal self in the mirror of your consciousness. First thing is we have to stop throwing dirt in our mind by our activities. We should live according to ethical, moral principles. We should live in a spirit of service to others rather than exploitation of others. Within our society we follow four very very essential principles, no intoxications because intoxications destroy one’s physical and mental health and put huge amount of contamination to obscure our spiritual nature. We are already intoxicated by so many misconceptions. We want to wake up to our true self. We are responsible as human beings. No illicit sex. Today so many anxieties, so many diseases, so many frustrations are born of just unrestricted passion and lust. AIDS, Hepatitis, so many of these incurable diseases that are killing tens and millions are born of intoxication and illicit sex. Some warning is there. We are supposed to try to control our mind and senses.
Śrīla Radhanath Swami Mahārāja :
“Conquering The Greatest Enemy”
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