NEW YORK (HealthDay News) - Although the 1998 settlement agreement between big tobacco and state governments restricted advertising to children and teens, nearly half of teenage girls participating in the study could name their favorite cigarette ad. The study suggests there's a link between being able to remember cigarette ads and smoking - non-smoking kids who can recall ads are 50 percent more likely to take up the habit. One ad campaign in particular stood out in the minds of teen girls and increased their awareness of cigarette advertising, the study found. The product was Camel No. 9 cigarettes, and the ads featured a pink camel and a sub-brand of cigarettes called Stiletto.
In addition to the very feminine ads placed in such magazines as Glamour and Vogue, the campaign also featured promotional giveaways, including flavored lip balm, purses and cell phone jewelry. The first survey was done in 2003 when the 1,036 children were 10 to 13 years old. The fifth survey was done in 2008.

During the last survey, which was conducted after the start of the Camel No. 9 campaign, the proportion of girls who had a favorite ad jumped by 10 percentage points, to 44 percent. The Camel brand was responsible for most of that increase, according to the study. “There is credible evidence that the Camel No. 9 cigarette advertising campaign has targeted under-aged girls,” the researchers wrote.
Today, cigarette advertising is worse than it used to be in the past. Years ago, a popular cigarette advertising campaign proudly proclaimed to women, “You've come a long way, baby!”. But now, the catchy cigarette ads do not appeal to young women but teen girls.
Anartha, some unwanted things which you have practiced. ... So, why should we take that? Why smoking this nonsense? It is stated in every cigarette box it is injurious to health or something like that, … was is that? - Devotee: “Warning” - Warning. But, still they are eating that poison, they are drinking. So these are anarthas, unwanted things. By bad association we are a habituated to this nonsense practice, but if you become a devotee and render service to Krishna under the direction of your spiritual master these things will automatically vanquish.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
Recorded class on the Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.8
September 6, 1972 - New Vrindaban, West Virginia
Source: “Ref. VedaBase”
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