JARTUM (AFP) - The Nigerian star of one of Sudan's top clubs collapsed on the pitch in front of thousands of spectators and died later. During yesterday's Sudanese Premier League match-up between El-Merriekh and Al-Amal, Nigerian-born forward Endurance Idahor was rushed to hospital after a challenge from a fellow player left him on his back, unable to breathe. Despite the teams' best efforts to see that the striker was given treatment as quickly as possible, the 23-year-old is said to have passed away inside the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The striker for Al-Merreikh Omdurman, raced into the opposing penalty area in the 13th minute of the match against Amal and appeared to be hit by an elbow before colliding with a teammate. Fans were stunned as the 25-year-old collapsed motionless to the ground before being stretchered off. “Some people say he might have (had) a heart attack, but I don't believe this. He was in good shape, he never complained of anything, he was perfectly okay.” teammate Stephen Worgu said. Sources from El-Merreikh Club revealed that the player will undergo an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
Doctors are still trying to establish the cause of death of a Nigerian football player who collapsed on the pitch while playing for his Sudanese club on Saturday. Meanwhile, early medical reports state that a heart attack is the most likely cause of death. Idahor and Worgu were considered the stars of Al-Merreikh which, together with Al-Hilal, are the two largest clubs of the Sudanese championship. “Idahor was the best professional player to come to Sudan in the past five years,” Dawod Mustafa, chief writer for the sports daily Al-Hilal said.WHAT DO THE VEDIC TEACHINGS TELL US?
In this world, we are flanked by birth and death, and whatever we do in between these two is temporary. ... Therefore, in the scriptures on sanātana-dharma, the ārya-rsis have said: “In childhood one is engrossed in playing, in youth he becomes captivated by the opposite sex, and in age he becomes immersed in anxiety; thus he never becomes absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Truth. In this world we pass our time eating, sleeping, defending and so on; rather, we should consider that the time allotted to us in this body is fixed.” - (Śrī Śankarācārya)
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Vāmana Mahārāja :
“Sanātana-dharma: The Solution to World Conflict”
Speech at Śrī Meghalaya Gaudīya Matha, Tura, India - 1/9/1983
Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library -
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