FLOOD STREETS, VIOLENCE GROWS - Brazil awoke Friday to city centers still smoldering after a night that shocked the nation: 1 million protesters took to the streets in scores of cities, with clusters clashing violently with police during anti-government demonstrations. President Dilma Rousseff, a standoffish leader who has been virtually mute in the face of the most violent protests in recent memory, called a meeting with top Cabinet members. She faced sharp criticism in Brazil's media for what many called her lack of any leadership.
It was not clear what action her government might take or if she would appear before the nation to give an address. There were growing calls on social media and in emails for a general strike next week.
Despite the violence, the majority of protesters have been peaceful. In massive demonstrations through this week, as small groups began to vandalize, crowds would often turn and start to chant, "No violence! No violence!" But the pattern in cities across this continent-sized nation has been that once night falls, the violence begins. Protesters and police clashed in several cities into the early hours Friday, as people vented anger over a litany of complaints, from high taxes to corruption to rising prices.
At least one protester was killed in Sao Paulo state when a car rammed into a crowd of demonstrators after the driver apparently became enraged about being unable to drive along a street. In Rio de Janeiro, where an estimated 300,000 demonstrators poured into the seaside city's central area.

A young man and a woman died as more than a million people took to the streets in Brazil's biggest protests for two decades. The 18-year-old man was killed when a Jeep smashed through a barricade during latest wave of anti-government rallies. The woman died of a heart attack after the explosion of a bomb in a protest in Belem, in northern Brazil. The demonstrations began more than a week ago over high transport fares, but they have broadened out to highlight corruption and the cost of next year's soccer World Cup. Riot police was firing tear gas at groups of protesters. TV images also showed looting in Rio de Janeiro, where police sealed off government buildings including the state legislature and the governor’s office.
If people are disturbed in this way, both ways, from the state side and from the rogue side, then how they will live peacefully? Just like we sometimes say that if the politicians and the statesmen they are so irresponsible, fighting amongst themselves to capture the power, where is the time for them to think of people's welfare? They cannot. It is not possible. ... But because they are simply busy to keep their position in the political power ... Actually at the present moment, people are disturbed by unnecessary taxes, at the same time bad elements. So without proper king, without nice state, everyone is unhappy. And that is going on nowadays. In the Kali-yuga, it will go on continual, and more and more people will be unhappy.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
"Room Conversation, Jaipur, January 18, 1972
Discussion on SB 4.13.48 to SB 4.14.11"
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase