WASHINGTON (DPA) - Supporters of conventional agriculture say that organic farming is little more than a fad - and that organic produce lightens consumers’ wallets for no tangible benefits. And unfortunately, since agro-ecosystems are so complex, scientists have had a hard time cutting through the haze of claims and counter-claims. Until now: “Fruit and Soil Quality of Organic and Conventional Strawberry Agroecosystems,” a study led by Washington State University Regents professor of soil science John Reganold, is one of the most comprehensive, persuasive studies yet to show the nutritional and environmental benefits of organic farming. Its findings only apply to strawberries - but they do point the way to the kind of research that can, and should, be done with other crops as well.
Despite the conventional practice of spraying soils with synthetic fertilizers, the study found that organic fields contained significantly higher amounts of nutrients. It’s hard to argue against Reganold’s findings.
The results are pretty convincing: organic strawberries are healthier, tastier, and better for the soil than conventional strawberries. Even while some categories of analysis produced similar results between conventional and organic strawberries, the fact that organic methods did not rely on toxic chemical inputs is a big, juicy point in its favor. Promoting organic agro-ecosystems means fewer people will be exposed to toxic chemicals, all in the name of producing a healthier, tastier piece of fruit. But what’s perhaps most interesting in the study is the use of DNA analysis, which helped scientists establish that organic soils contain a significantly higher amount of unique genes and overall genetic diversity.
Organic and conventional soils contain similar levels of most extractable nutrients, but organic soil has higher levels of zinc, boron, sodium, and iron. Organic soils also performed better through a number of biological properties. In a time when global warming is creating increasingly unpredictable weather conditions, biodiversity is one of our greatest defenses against climate change. WHAT DO THE VEDIC TEACHINGS TELL US?
We want everyone to become aware of environmental and also be spiritually conscious. We long to see the Vaishnavas running functions at the head of the environmental movement. We encourage all the missions to live a healthy lifestyle, and produce their own organic food, or at least buy their food at organic farms whenever possible. We want the Vaishnavas understand the dangers of processed food, whose ingredients are not often vegetarian, and many times they are not written down on the packaging. We want to inform everyone about the dangers of industrial agriculture, and the benefits of natural treatments, about Ayurveda and many other alternative medicines. We want to increase research and the exchange between all the Vaishnavas, about the use of alternative energies, such as solar energy, wind, manure, organic waste, biogas and protection of cows, etc.; these are just small examples to consider. If we are not going in this direction, we will get a great reaction of unhappiness.
Śrīla Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Mahārāja :
“Vishva Vaishnava Raj Sabha - World Vaishnava Association”
“A study on the Past, Present and Future of the World Vaishnava Association (WVA)”
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