IN VALLEY OF UCO, TUNUYAN, PROVINCE OF MENDOZA - The detection of three cases of trichinosis fire alarm today inTunuyan after an epidemic in the Great Mendoza in August. Those sickened ate pork in Tunuyan. The news alerted health officials in the area, as they have assumed the epidemic which generated a total of 219 since early 2010, has been overcome. The City of Tunuyan confirmed the existence of three cases of trichinosis in that department. The village head, Eduardo Giner, explained that some people became infected by eating pork sausage made by private butchering, and it was done “to 2 or 3 miles to the city center.” He clarified that “the source of infection is already seized” and warned people of that district should not eat sausage or pork which is not properly certified by Livestock and SENASA. Giner reported that “there are three confirmed cases, all with the same epidemiologic pattern and as regards those infected people, he said that “their conditions are good and their situation is not serious”. The case that triggered the alarm came from a pig that had been brought from the foothills of Mendoza. In a municipal operation, it was seized from the shops in the Tunuyan area (total of six butchers) about 25 kilograms of fresh sausages.
Then, the authorities burned the sausages that were confiscated, and warned that “it is a risk buys sausages made at home.” In August, outbreaks were detected in Maipu, General Alvear, Lujan, Godoy Cruz, and especially in Rivadavia, where it was confirmed 129 infections. However, the situation was described as “controlled” by the end of August. Nevertheless, these three new cases in Tunuyan have shown that the risk of infection has not yet been completely overcome in Argentina.
Authorities said the sausages made without hygienic control were manufactured with contaminated meat from an animal that came from the west of Mendoza. The pork was contaminated with Trichinella worms that cause Trichinosis. This is a gastrointestinal illness that can lead to flu-like symptoms and, in severe cases, death. ¿Instead of being cruel and kill animals why not develop compassion and become vegetarians?
Mercy is one of the main symptoms of a true human being, because only a compassionate human being can be the benefactor of all living entities, not only of the human society, but also all the animals and plants. ... Therefore we can not and should not kill any living being. In no way we have the right to prevent any progressive life, for all living entities are moving forward in its proper evolution, they are transmigrating from one category to another. If we kill any living being, then we are stopping their progress, so they will again have to go back to that way of life - they will need to finish their course because he was forced to leave it - in order to be promoted to another higher species of life. The animals' progress should not be stopped for any reason, and what to say of the selfish whim to satisfy the taste or tongue. ... If we follow these Vedic codes, we will be acting in the real platform of mercy towards all living entities.
Yoga Inbound :
“Health Inbound” - “Nutrition Inbound - Mercy”
Radha Charan d.d. -
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