- Are you having a hard time giving up those after-meal
cigarettes and stress-relieving smoke breaks? If you’ve tried just about
everything, then here’s a bit of good news for you. According to a new
study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research, smokers
who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables are three times more likely to
kick the habit. They are also more likely to stay away from smoking for
longer as well. Researchers conducted a telephone survey of more than
1,000 smokers from ages 25 and above to see just how a nutritious diet
affects their smoking habit.
After 14
months, the participants were once again called and asked about the
number of times they had smoked in the past month. Based on the results,
smokers who consumed the most fruits and vegetables were more likely to
have not smoked in the past 30 days than those who ate the least
produce. Even after accounting for factors like age, race, gender, and
income among others, the results remained the same.
healthy diet also appears to lessen the number of cigarettes people
smoke in general. Apparently, eating fruits and vegetables worsens their
taste. "We may have identified a new tool that can help people quit
smoking," says study author Jeffrey Haibach, a graduate research
assistant in the University at Buffalo's Department of Community Health
and Health Behavior. "Granted, this is just an observational study, but
improving one's diet may facilitate quitting." Haiback
notes that many people mistake hunger for an urge to light one up, so
the next time you feel like smoking a cigarette, try eating fruits and
vegetables instead. By substituting one habit for another, you’re
already improving your quality of life.
Several explanations for the
findings are possible: people who consume a lot of fruits and vegetables
may be less nicotine dependent, or may have a decreased desire to
smoke, the researchers said. Fruits and vegetables are also high in
fiber, which may give people a sense of satiety or fullness so that they
feel less of a need to smoke. Smokers sometimes confuse hunger with an
urge to smoke, Haibach said.

to a new study published in a biography Nicotine and Tobacco Research,
smokers who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables are 3 times some-more
expected to flog the habit and to stay divided from smoking for longer
as well. But, the most important conclusion is that "Unlike some foods
which are known to enhance the taste of tobacco - such as meats,
caffeinated beverages and alcohol - fruits and vegetables may actually
worsen the taste of cigarettes", Haibach said. How about if today you
start changing your diet and kick the smoking habit?.
trout is lured by the worm on the hook of the fisherman, the mouse by
the cheese in the mouse-trap. A tragic irony of the struggle for
existence is that living beings are often destroyed by what they desire.
But at least the fish and the mouse have excuses: the bait and the
cheese look like sustenance. Also, the fish and the mouse do not know in
advance that they will be trapped. Humans seldom have either of these
excuses. The temptations that wreck their lives are quite often pure
indulgences known to be dangerous. For example, no one has to smoke for
survival and all smokers are aware that smoking is dangerous. Tobacco
kills nearly 10,000 people worldwide every day. ... The statistics about
other self-destructive behavioral patterns - alcoholism, substance
abuse and suicide - are equally, if not more, alarming. And even among
so-called normal people, practically everyone is victimized by some form
of self-destructive behavioral pattern - unwarranted expressions of
anger that turn out to be disastrous, unintentional use of caustic words
that break hearts and so on.
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