SPREADS GOSPEL RED MEAT CONSUMPTION - The national beef industry has enlisted college students across the country in its public relations fight for America’s hearts, minds and stomachs. The Masters of Beef Advocacy (or, as they prefer, the “MBA” program in a nod to the more commonly known graduate business degree) also recruits farmers, ranchers, high-end chefs and school dietitians to spread the gospel of red meat consumption. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, which started the outreach effort two years ago, has placed a strong emphasis on the Twitter generation. At least 20 percent of the nearly 2,200 program graduates are age 21 or younger. The online program is available in 47 states and particularly popular at public land-grant universities with strong agricultural schools, such as the University of Missouri, Iowa State, Kansas State and Western Kentucky.
Students who finish the six-hour course - offered by Dennis Fennewald, a beef production instructor - are expected to speak to school groups and civic clubs or build online buzz through social media. Nathan Runkle, executive director of Chicago-based Mercy for Animals, which promotes a vegetarian diet, said that “a more accurate title for this offensive program would be the Master of BS.” “Centers for higher learning should not become dumping grounds for propaganda programs that push increased profits for an industry that subjects animals to extreme cruelty and exploitation,” he said. “Cruelty and violence has no place in the classroom.”
The grassroots campaign is just one part of the beef industry’s effort in the USA to reverse a five-decade slide in meat consumption by Americans. Editors of the Hindu Press Internacional note that this seems to be an expected reaction to the slow but constant growth of vegetarianism and healthy food consciousness in America. So much study at the college and so little intelligence to realize that the smells from dead animal carcasses and dead fish are horrible and can only be tolerated by intoxication or other dulling of the senses.
Eating of cow flesh or the flesh of any other animal, the motivation behind slaughter, is detrimental to the health of human beings. For example, ... non-nutritive substances tend to be irritants and therefore carcinogenic. ... Many studies in cancer research reveal that areas in which meat-eating is highest tend to have the highest cancer rate, while vegetarian areas generally have a far lower rate. ... The smells from dead animal carcasses and dead fish are horrible and can only be tolerated by intoxication or other dulling of the senses. Most children have to be forced to eat the first portions of meat or fish. Vegetarian foods, on the other hand, are colourful, pleasing to the eyesight, to the sense of smell and to the palate.
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