TAIXING, China (AP) - The screams of the 4-year-olds inside the kindergarten could be heard out in the street. When people ran in to investigate, they found what one witness said was a scene "too horrible to imagine" — blood everywhere as a knife-wielding man slashed 28 children, two teachers and a security guard Thursday in the second such school attack in China in two days. Experts called it a copycat rampage triggered by similar incidents Wednesday and last month. They said the wave of school attacks falls amid poor care for the mentally unstable and growing feelings of social injustice in the fast-changing country. Thursday's attack at the Zhongxin Kindergarten left five students hospitalized in critical condition in the eastern city of Taixing, said Zhu Guiming, an official with the municipal propaganda department. Two teachers and the security guard were also hurt. The official Xinhua News Agency identified the attacker as Xu Yuyuan, a 47-year-old unemployed man using an eight-inch (20-centimeter) knife. No motive was given.
On Wednesday, a man in the southern city of Leizhou broke into a primary school and wounded 15 students and a teacher in a knife attack. The man managed to slip into the school with a group of visiting teachers, Xinhua reported. Chen Kangbing had been a teacher himself. He suffered from mental illness and had been on sick leave since 2006. The attack left fourth and fifth graders with stab wounds on their heads, backs and arms, but none was in life-threatening condition. Wednesday's attack came the same day a man was executed for stabbing eight children to death outside their elementary school last month in the southeastern city of Nanping.
Chinese experts say the outbreaks of violence are often due to social pressures, or attributed to people with personal grudges or suffering from mental illness, but what people need is to advance spiritually under the guidance of a spiritual master who help them to awake their Krishna consciousness asleep.
Our mundane feelings of attraction and aversion for material objects light the fire of envy, egoism, and hatred so much so that it seems they have the ability to destroy this world. If even a drop of pure affection arises in our hearts for the incarnation of Mahaprabhu’s magnanimity, then no place will remain for these animal propensities like hatred, jealousy, or violence to others. ... How can any attachment or hatred for material objects find a place in the heart where attachment to the guru, the eternal associate of Srimati Radharani, has awakened? In such a heart, there is constant awareness of the absolute necessity of attaining the supreme goal of life, loving service to Sri Krishna.
Śrīla Bhakti Promode Puri Mahārāja :
“The True Spirit of Separation”
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