ARGENTINA (EFE) - Argentine activists today placed a tub of "blood" in the heart of Buenos Aires to repudiate the exploitation of animals "to testing of hygienic and cosmetic products." The organization AnimaNaturalis developed a protest near the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, on the occasion of the International Day of Laboratory Animal, commemorated last Saturday. "How many animals do our hygiene products kill?" read a sign posted behind the tub full of red liquid, which pretended to be blood, in which an activist dived to take a bath, surrounded by rabbits and bottles products. "About 100 million animals are still under experimentation by the majority of cosmetic and toiletries companies, although these methods were discarded by the world's most prestigious universities," said a spokeswoman of AnimaNaturalis in Argentina, the NGO that organized the protest at the most important corner of Buenos Aires.
"In the laboratory the animal may be trapped, deprived of food, water or sleep, poisoned, ill, surgically maimed, subjected to invasive procedures such as applying skin and eye irritant, subject to psychological stress, irradiated, burned, gassed, among other things" an activist from AnimaNaturalis said. The organizers added that" it is important to note that all these procedures are performed without any anesthetic or analgesic to not interfere with the results of the experiments. As a result they died or were killed deliberately just for a post-mortem examination." So primates, guinea pigs, mice, rats, dogs, rabbits, cats, pigs and other species are slaughtered in the name of science and technology at the rate of three animals die in laboratories each second worldwide.
We must stop the horrible killing of so many animals in laboratories just for the making of cosmetics and cleaning. Activists around the world try to make people aware about this cruel industry that annually kills 100 thousand animals mercilessly.
When you observe the problem of unconscious consumption, some measures must be taken. That's the way how the conscious consumer arises. Consider some characteristics of this ethical, healthy and ecological position. First of all, the conscious consumer avoid all products having to do with the killing of animals, including food, fashion (costumes made of fur), vanity (many laboratories experiment with thousands of animals in order to produce cosmetics and toiletries), fun (we have enough news about the shows where ridicule and torture creatures), customs and traditions (such as hunting, a bloody pastime, etc.). The conscious consumer does not use items that have been produced under the agony and exploitation of other beings.
Śrīla Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Mahārāja :
“Conscious Consumers” - “Vedic Wisdom Collection”
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