(USA Today) - Some 162 passengers and crew are missing and presumed lost on AirAsia Flight 8501, but the total would be a lot higher if the airline hadn't changed the departure time to two hours earlier than originally scheduled. Christianawati was one of 10 members of an extended family - including her 7-month-old son and another infant - booked on the flight who missed it by minutes after they missed emails and phone calls from the airline earlier this month to inform them of the time change to 5:35 a.m., the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
Her husband and brother-in-law arrived in time to see latecomers race for the plane yesterday morning, but they decided to wait for the rest of the group to arrive in a second car.
While the group was still trying to negotiate a later flight with airline staff, they were informed the plane had disappeared. "We felt completely limp, the whole family," Christianawati says. "It was like we'd lost our spirit." "I just remember those people who we saw running to the last call," her husband says. "I hope they find them." There were a total of 26 no-shows for the flight from Surabaya to Singapore, reports Bloomberg, including a 10-year-old boy whose parents canceled a family trip because his grandfather was ill. The boy "was very upset when we said that we couldn't go after all," his mother says. "When we told him the plane was missing, he didn't believe us until we showed him the tickets."

These days, different news speak not only of a family, but three families saved from death by "miracle". A sick grandfather, a missed call and an unopened email kept three Indonesian families from making it onto the AirAsia flight that vanished last Sunday. The Airbus 320-200, flying from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore, was carrying 155 passengers and seven crew when it disappeared. The aircraft's disappearance has echoes of the Malaysia Airlines flight 370 mystery which dropped off the radar in March while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Former beauty queen Anggi Mahesti said she was part of a group of 10 who missed the plane on Sunday because they were not aware of a change in its departure time. “At first, we were angry with AirAsia and our travel agent,” Ms Mahesti, 27, said. They were planning to take a later flight to Singapore when news of the missing plane broke. “An airport official told my husband it was a Christmas gift from God to our family,” she added. “We decided not to fly after that because we were scared and didn’t want to tempt fate.” By reading this news, one must think deeply. Was it a "miracle", or is it a matter of "cause and effect"? , The disappearance of the aircraft occurred on Sunday, then on Monday, on the other side of the world, at least 427 people were evacuated from a Greece-to-Italy ferry, as a result 10 or more people were dead and it was unclear whether there were more missing, and today, we learned that at least 35 people are dead, and 43 are injured in a stampede during New Year's celebrations in China. So, we are surrounded by events in which people – despite being in the same place and time – some died and others remain alive. Therefore it is not easy to deliver an opinion on these matters lightly. We know there is a law called Karma and no one dies or the day before or the day after what you or what higher authorities have arranged according to our actions. Nevertheless, we also know that the mercy of God acts and some receive His grace, even without cause. (Editor's note).
“Whatever is done by the Lord is for good,” the prime minister told the King, “If Hari protects, nobody can kill him and if Hari wants to kill then nobody can protect him,” he added.
Śrīla Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Mahārāja :
“Golden Saying”
“God is Gracing Us in All Circumstances” - Feb 10, 2003 -
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math
“It is stated, māre krishna rākhe ke, rākhe krishna māre ke: If Krishna protects someone, no one can kill him, and if Krishna wants to kill someone, no one can save him. ... Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is omnipotent, and if He wants to kill someone, no one can save that person. Similarly, if He wants to save someone, no one can kill him.”
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
“Śrīmad Bhāgavatam” 11.1.4 - “Krishna Book” - Chapter 72 -
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase
Published by dasavatara das - “Vedic Views on World News”