- Today, Jan. 6 is the celebration of Epiphany. Epiphany, also known as Three Kings Day is a Christian celebration marking the end of the 12 days of Christmas. It is a traditional feast that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. Christians believe the twelve days of Christmas ends with the “Feast of Epiphany” which is also known as “The Manifestation of God."
Epiphany is celebrated in many different ways across the globe, however, Italy has a deep tradition that is a definite kid favorite. For example, in Italy, the night before Epiphany, also known as a twelfth night, is known to most children as a night when the good witch, known as the Befana.
In Italy, it is said that Befana arrives on her broomstick and brings sweets, chocolates, fresh fruit and treats to the children have been good and coal to those who have not. Usually the children leave socks out so the Befana will fill them with the gifts. According to Biblical study the Three Kings, or better known as the Three Wise Men, (Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) followed a bright star to Bethlehem that had been prophesized hundreds of years beforehand that was to lead them to the future King of Israel.
Upon their arrival the Kings found a newborn child who they believe is a promised Savior of all who believe in God, for this child is Son of God, Jesus Christ. The Kings brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Today, January 6 marks the second-oldest Christian feast day after Easter and it is a holy day for Catholics. Also known as “Little Christmas,” the Feast of the Epiphany is a day of religious observance for many Christians around the world. This day, the 12th Day of Christmas, commemorates the visitation of the wise men (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazzar) to the son of God born as a man,Jesus Christ. Across the globe, many people leave their Christmas tree up until the Feast of the Epiphany. Pope Francis celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany Mass today. The prayer service commemorates the arrival of three wise men in Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus. The pope greeted pilgrims in St. Peter's Square as part of the Three Kings Day celebration. According to the Christian scriptures, the three wise men to travel to see the baby Jesus and presented Him with gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Those were gifts usually offered according to Oriental etiquette; by presenting them, they honored the new-born babe as king. In this story there is a clear parallel to baby Krishna who was also presented with gifts that included sandalwood and perfumes - about three thousand years earlier in Vrindavana, India. Gold existed in India. Although incense and myrrh came from Arabia, they were doubtless imported also to India. It was perfectly natural for the rishis from India offer the traditional gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. (Editor's note).
The native land of the three saints has frequently been placed in the Arabian area or, as the attribute of origin ‘from the East’ rather leads one to expect, in the Indo-Iranian region. The Indian thesis of their origin is nowadays steadily gaining adherents. ... But where did the Magi come from? What is East, seen from Jerusalem? ... Indian wisdom was proverbial. Persian historians praised that wisdom. They went to India 'in search of the tree of wisdom'. India was the country where wisdom had been of a high order since earliest times. The sages of India, called 'rishis', have always and even into our days formed a 'social cast superior to all others in the land'. ... Vedic custom is to offer presents to a newly born child. See SB 10.5.10, etc. Later, during anna-prasana samskara (rite of passage, “first grains”) at six months of age, children are offered various items like rice, gold, coins and books to choose from and thus show their inclinations in future life.
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