According to the Vegetarian Society, the risk of some cancers is reduced by up to 40 per cent and of heart disease by 30 per cent.
But AFI - which stands for Animal Friends Insurance - is arguing for the entire industry to deliver long-term discounts to vegetarians. They gave the example of a 45-year-old female non-smoker. She would pay US$16.48 a month for a $150,458 policy over 15 years with the company's vegetarian policy, compared to an average figure of $24.66 and a top rate of $27.68.
If we are the children of the same Mother Earth, Mother Nature and of the Supreme Lord, then how can we deny our smaller siblings, the little animals, their right to live just as we claim it for ourselves. We are all maintained by the Creator, thru Mother Earth. We should feel gratitude for her and manifest compassion for those that need our help. That will provide us with happiness and peace. While we put meat and blood on our plates we won't be able to find peace in our lives. The Biblical principle is that who kills with a sword will die by a sword. It is the clear law of karma. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. We should learn how to feel. To love. We will be loved this way also and we will feel happy.
Casa de la Sabiduría - House of Wisdom :
“Services - Health”
“Peace and Vegetarianism”
Published by dasavatara das - “Vedic Views on World News”
1 comment:
life insurance houston has a lot of benefits not only to the person who took advantage of it but also to his family and business. However, not all of us get to appreciate its significance unless we learn from other people how they were able to benefit from it when their loved ones died. That will only be the time that we realize that it is important. That will be the time you’ll realize that you too can benefit from it if you take advantage of such service. But when can you say that your decision to get a life insurance in Houston is at the right time? Here are some situations that you may consider.
• Right after marriage.
• At the birth of your first born child.
• The moment you start your business and become its key executive.
• You have had loans and series of credits in line with your business.
• The arrival of the golden years of retirement.
• You engage in estate planning.
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