17-year-old Nova Scotia girl died last Sunday more than a year after a
"viral" photo of her alleged rape turned her into a social pariah at
school. The family of Rehtaeh Parsons blames her suicide on her
classmates' relentless bullying. They also blame the police who never
prosecuted the four boys who allegedly raped their daughter when she was
just 15. Parsons' story has drawn comparisons to the recent rape in
Steubenville, Ohio, which created an international outcry because of
graphic images that circulated online.
four boys allegedly raped Parsons at a house party in November 2011,
one of the boys distributed a photo of the assault to "everyone in her
school ... where it quickly became viral ... Boys who saw the picture
asked her for sex, and other students called her a slut," her mother
explained. Authorities confirmed a photo of Parsons "allegedly having
sex" with one of the boys was emailed and texted among "friends.
fell into a depression, her mother says. She changed schools and was
hospitalized at one point for six weeks, The Toronto Star reported. On
the night of April 4, she became so distraught that she locked herself
in the bathroom and had hanged herself by the time her mother burst in.
(Parsons was put on life support and died several days later.) She was
reportedly never the same after her assault. "Rehtaeh is gone today
because of the four boys that thought that raping a 15-year-old girl was
OK and to distribute a photo to ruin her spirit and reputation would be
fun," her mother wrote on the Facebok page she created.
Nova Scotia Justice Department is reviewing how police handled the
case, so it's possible the four boys accused of breaking Parsons down
could be prosecuted. It's impossible to know whether a prosecution would
have healed Parsons' broken spirit, though.
Canadian teen hanged herself after everybody at school saw pictures of
her rape. "Four boys thought that raping a 15-year-old girl was OK and
to distribute a photo to ruin her spirit and reputation would be fun,"
her mother wrote. In just the last ten days there were two reports of
teen girls - Rehtaeh Parsons and Audrie Pott - who both committed
suicide after being raped and when pictures of the sexual assaults were
distributed electronically among their peers they became the center of
evil and relentless cyberbullying. Teens are very vulnerable emotionally
and heartless humiliation from peers is the worst kind of abuse that someone of that age can suffer.
who are attached to sinful activities generally become envious and
violent toward other living entities. Committing violence is a heinous
sin. It is everyone’s duty to give up violence. Violence toward human
beings is the gravest sin. ... There are three kinds of violence:
violence toward human beings, violence toward animals, and violence
toward demigods. Violence is born from hate. ... There are two types of
cruelty, cruelty toward humans and cruelty toward animals. Cruelty
toward men and women causes great disturbances in the world. When people
practice cruelty toward one another, compassion leaves the world and
irreligiousness in the form of cruelty become prominent. (Caitanya-siksamrta 2/5).
Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thākura :
‘Violence Toward the Living Entities’
“Śrī Bhaktivinoda Vānī Vaibhava” - Vol 2. “Abhidheya”
Compiled by Śrīpad Sundarānanda Vidyāvinoda
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