TV, films and video games do increase aggression, an international
panel of experts has said, as they warn parents to keep an eye on what
their children are watching. The report for the The International
Society for Research on Aggression (IRSA) concluded that that evidence
shows that the consumption of media violence can act as a trigger for
aggressive thoughts or feelings already stored. They claim exposure to
violent images in different media, such as movies and video games,
increases the relative risk of aggression - defined as intentional harm
to another person verbally or physically. The panel also warn parents
that a ratings system is no substitute for the watchful eye of a
IRSA appointed the International Media Violence Commission last
December. Craig Anderson, chair of the IRSA, said: “Basically, the
commission looked at, "What does the research literature say?" The
commission concluded: “One may also become more vigilant for hostility
and aggression in the world, and therefore, begin to feel some ambiguous
actions by others (such as being bumped in a crowded room) are
deliberate acts of provocation.”
commission concluded that the ratings are not substitutes for parents
watching, playing, or listening to the media their children use, stating
parents should be the ones keeping a watchful eye as rating systems
often provide too little detail about media content to be helpful. The
researchers wrote: “Parents can also set limits on screen use, and
should discuss media content with their children to promote critical
thinking when viewing. Schools may help parents by teaching students
from an early age to be critical consumers of the media and that, just
like food, the 'you are what you eat' principle applies to healthy media
consumption.” While most public policy has focused on restricting
children's access to violent media, the commission found that approach
to have significant political and legal challenges in many countries.
For that reason, it recommends putting efforts into improving media
ratings, classifications, and public education about the effects of
media on children. The report is published in journal Aggressive
Behaviour. Mr Anderson hopes the final report will have value to child
advocacy groups. “Having such a clear statement by an unbiased,
international scientific group should be very helpful to a number of
child advocacy groups - such as parenting groups - in their efforts to
improve the lives of children,” he said.
International panel appointed by IRSA concluded that media violence can
act as a trigger for aggressive thoughts and feelings. In their report,
the commission concluded that aside from being sources of imitation,
violent images - such as scenes in movies, games or even pictures in
comic books - act as triggers for activating aggressive thoughts and
feelings already stored in memory. If these aggressive thoughts and
feelings are activated over and over again because of repeated exposure
to media violence, they become chronically accessible, and therefore
more likely to influence children behaviour. Will we continue letting
our children remain exposed to so many images of violence for them to
as children absorbed in spiritual images imitate them, children
absorbed in television images imitate those images. We must ask whether
we want our children to become like a television character, or like
Krishna. Do we want them to attain the spiritual world after death, or
take a body according to their television-influenced thoughts? ...
Children between the ages of three and seventeen see an average of
eighteen thousand acts of violence. According to Jim Trelease, author of
Read-Aloud Handbook, you would have to see all thirty-seven of
Shakespeare’s plays to see as many acts of human violence (fifty-four)
as you would see in just three evenings of prime-time television. ...
The problem is not that they learn how to commit violence from watching
violence on television (although perhaps they sometimes do), but that
television conditions them to deal with real people as if they were on a
television screen. The ultimate violence of television goes beyond
desensitizing children to cruelty.
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