- A popular narrative in the Bhagavata Purana, one of
Hinduism's most beloved and venerated wisdom texts, involves a king who
meets a forest-dwelling sage. The sage's peaceful demeanor and obvious
contentment, even amidst apparent poverty, astound the king. "Who is
your guru?" the king asks, eager to know where the sage learned in such a
way. In response, the sage enumerates a list of 24 gurus - a list of
unlikely sources of wisdom that even includes natural phenomenon, and
animals - each of whom demonstrated to the sage a valuable lesson that
he incorporated into his spiritual practice. Of course, the numerical
list is merely illustrative; for one who is eager to learn, the sage
explains, the world is filled with countless teachers. Hinduism holds
that anyone - and ultimately, everyone - can be a part of our spiritual
growth if we can develop the ability to see them in that way. I have had
to remind myself of that principle, and of the story of the sage and
his 24 gurus, as I've played the role of a father to my daughter, Shruti
Sara, for the past three years. At certain times, bogged down by the
seemingly mundane aspects of child rearing, it has been hard to discern
the spiritual dimension. At others, though, the presence of the Divine
has been palpable and awesome.
Has being a father helped me to be a better Hindu? In a certain superficial sense, the answer is no. My wife and I have had to severely reduce our involvement at our local temples, and cut back on seva (service) that we can perform there. Attending festivals and holiday observances have become less about honoring the deities being celebrated, and more about juggling diaper bags and car seats or managing temper tantrums and picky eating. Being woken up in the middle of the night by a crying child has rendered early morning meditation a near impossibility. My first three years of fatherhood have taught me a great deal about what it means to be a person of faith, and have forced to evaluate and re-evaluate how I wish to live out my spiritual path, my Dharma. In this sense, Shruti has not only helped me to be a better Hindu; she has helped me to re-define what being a Hindu is all about. She challenges me to separate the essential from the ritual. She teaches me how to see with wonder, and hear with my heart. If Shruti can be delighted by Krishna lifting a mountain, then why can't I? And if I truly believe that he is the cause of all causes, the one who created the mountains in the first place, shouldn't I see life itself as just as much of a miracle and source of wonder? I am certainly far from perfect, but in sincerely trying to share my love and guidance with her, perhaps I can give her a tiny glimpse into the love and protection of the Divine, the perfect parent of us all.
Has being a father helped me to be a better Hindu? In a certain superficial sense, the answer is no. My wife and I have had to severely reduce our involvement at our local temples, and cut back on seva (service) that we can perform there. Attending festivals and holiday observances have become less about honoring the deities being celebrated, and more about juggling diaper bags and car seats or managing temper tantrums and picky eating. Being woken up in the middle of the night by a crying child has rendered early morning meditation a near impossibility. My first three years of fatherhood have taught me a great deal about what it means to be a person of faith, and have forced to evaluate and re-evaluate how I wish to live out my spiritual path, my Dharma. In this sense, Shruti has not only helped me to be a better Hindu; she has helped me to re-define what being a Hindu is all about. She challenges me to separate the essential from the ritual. She teaches me how to see with wonder, and hear with my heart. If Shruti can be delighted by Krishna lifting a mountain, then why can't I? And if I truly believe that he is the cause of all causes, the one who created the mountains in the first place, shouldn't I see life itself as just as much of a miracle and source of wonder? I am certainly far from perfect, but in sincerely trying to share my love and guidance with her, perhaps I can give her a tiny glimpse into the love and protection of the Divine, the perfect parent of us all.
Krishna consciousness movement is not a fad. It is a bona fide movement
intended to promote the welfare of all conditioned souls by trying to
elevate everyone to the platform of Krishna consciousness. If one does
not come to this platform, he must continue in material existence
perpetually, sometimes in the upper planets and sometimes in the lower
planets. ... Prajāpati Dakṣa is trying to benefit the conditioned souls
by begetting them to give them a life with a chance for liberation.
Liberation means surrender to Krishna. If one begets children with the
purpose of training them to surrender to Krishna, fatherhood is very
good. Similarly, when the spiritual master trains the conditioned souls
to become Krishna conscious, his position is successful. If one gives
the conditioned souls a chance to become Krishna conscious, all his
activities are approved by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is
extremely pleased, as stated here (prīto ’ham). ... By such activities, a
preacher or anyone who endeavors to spread Krishna consciousness is
recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa) - SB 6.4.44
Canto 6: “Prescribed Duties for Mankind”
Chapter 4: “The Haṁsa-guhya Prayers Offered to the Lord by Prajāpati Dakṣa”
Verse 44 -
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa) - SB 6.4.44
Canto 6: “Prescribed Duties for Mankind”
Chapter 4: “The Haṁsa-guhya Prayers Offered to the Lord by Prajāpati Dakṣa”
Verse 44 -
Published by dasavatara das - "Vedic Views on World News"
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