www.bbc.co.uk - An eighteen-year-old Ukrainian woman has died in hospital, weeks after a brutal sexual assault that prompted a campaign against political corruption. Oksana Makar was attacked in the southern city of Mykolayiv on 8 March by three men who raped her and tried to strangle her before setting her alight. Three men were arrested, but two - whose parents had political connections - were released without charge. They have since been re-arrested, after the case prompted a national outcry. Interior ministry spokesman Volodymyr Polischuk told a news conference on Thursday that all three men, aged 22 to 24, now faced charges of rape and murder. He said they could face life sentences in jail. Ms Makar lost consciousness after her attackers abandoned her at a construction site and set fire to her. She was eventually found the next morning by a stranger and taken to hospital in Mykolayiv with 55% burns.
She was transferred to a specialist unit in the eastern city of Donetsk because of the severity of her burns and damage to her lungs. As the fire stripped off 55 per cent of her skin, surgeons had to amputate one of her arms and both her feet as they tried and eventually failed to keep her alive. Doctors at the hospital’s burns centre said her heart had stopped because of bleeding in her lungs and she died after repeated attempts to resuscitate her. Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko has stated that the parents of two of the suspects are former government officials in the Mykolayiv area. Ukrainian media have shown footage of one of the three suspects describing to police how Ms Makar was attacked in a flat in the city and then wrapped in a blanket and left in a pit. The Kiev Post described the attack as “one of Ukraine’s most heinous crimes in recent years”.

Oksana Makar, an 18-year-old Ukranian woman died today, two weeks after her grisly rape set off protests across the country against corruption and favoritism toward the wealthy. Her murder has prompted Ukrainian society to confront what have become known as “bigwig crimes” - offences committed by the children of public officials and, at times, by officials themselves. As a rule, they are either given a suspended sentence or escape punishment entirely. The law must be one, and it should be applied to everyone.
“The Yamadūtas continued: ‘Since there are many different karmīs, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges’.” In governmental management there may be departmental officials to give justice to different persons, but the law must be one, and that central law must control everyone. The Yamadūtas could not imagine that two judges would give two different verdicts in the same case, and therefore they wanted to know who the central judge is. ... This was a puzzling situation that the Yamadūtas wanted Yamarāja to clarify.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.3.6
Canto 6: “Prescribed Duties for Mankind”
Chapter 3: “Yamarāja Instructs His Messengers”
Verse 6 - Bhaktivedanta VedaBase
1 comment:
She was transferred to a specialist unit in the eastern city of Donetsk because of the severity of her burns and damage to her lungs.
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