Agencies - The Christian community is all set to celebrate Easter today (April 24) at all the churches across the country. Easter Sunday is typically the most well attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches as the Christian community holds prayers and special ceremonies to mark the Easter week. The Friday before Easter Sunday is observed as a mourning day that lord died on Good Friday while Easter Sunday is celebrated as ‘Jesus resurrected on Easter Sunday.’ Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. His resurrection is celebrated on Easter Day or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday). Easter marks the end of Lent; a 40-day period of fasting and the last week of the Lent is called Holy Week, which contains Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
The greatest way we honor his name is in loving our neighbors as ourselves and helping those in need. This is what Christ represents and it is in showing kindness, generosity and peace that we celebrate the true meaning of Easter. “On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. The tomb was empty but the story didn’t stop there. Jesus appeared to his followers time and time again until his ascension into heaven. He had truly overcome death and said that by believing in Him we can do the same. Sin brought death into the world. Jesus overcame sin and offers us eternal life by following Him. We follow Him by loving God and our neighbors,” said Rev. Leonard Collins, St. Augustine Catholic Church, South Bend.
For Christians, Easter offers the promise of redemption, with Jesus’ resurrection representing the possibility of entering into eternal life. Easter is the greatest manifestation of God’s love that gives hope amid the evils of the world. Just as the birth of Christ is at the center of Christmas, the story of his death and resurrection is at the core of Easter Sunday or Resurrection Day. For many, it is a propitious time for introspection and evaluation of our everyday actions; so it would be good if we transform our existence making all our days a continual Easter Sunday.
On the morning of Monday 26 June 2002, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Gosvami Maharaj had a meeting with Father Alfred Agius, a Jesuit priest who is the head of the Interfaith group of the Catholic diocese of Westminster. ... Maharaj then mentioned to Father Agius that he had been to the Vatican on a previous European preaching tour. ... Maharaj then went on to describe his impressions when he had viewed the “Pieta” of Michelangelo. The “Pieta” is a marble sculpture of the body of Jesus lying in the arms of his mother Mary, after His crucifixion. Maharaj said “When I saw this statue, frankly I was shocked!” “Shocked?” we asked. “Yes! I was so shocked to see how Jesus died! And for the sake of the living beings!” Maharaj’s face showed genuine compassion when he spoke about this. Father Agius seemed clearly touched by the experience of that meeting with Srila Tirtha Maharaj.
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