(The Guardian) - Footballers from North Korea, who lost all three of their group games, have been subjected to a six-hour excoriation for “betraying” the communist nation’s ideological struggle, according to reports. North Korea’s football team has been shamed in a six-hour public inquisition and the team’s coach has been accused of “betraying” the reclusive leader’s heir apparent following their failure at the World Cup, according to reports. The entire squad was forced onto a stage at the People’s Palace of Culture and subjected to criticism from Pak Myong-chol, the sports minister, as 400 government officials, students and journalists watched. The players were subjected to a “grand debate” on July 2 because they failed in their “ideological struggle” to succeed in South Africa. The team’s coach, Kim Jong-hun, was reportedly forced to become a builder and has been expelled from the Workers’ Party of Korea. The coach was punished for “betraying” Kim Jong-un - one of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il’s sons and heir apparent. The broadcast of live games had been banned to avoid national embarrassment, but after the spirited 2-1 defeat to Brazil, state television made the Portugal game its first live sports broadcast ever.
The country, in its first World Cup since 1966, lost all three group games – including a 7-0 defeat to Portugal.
Following ideological criticism, the players were then allegedly forced to blame the coach for their defeats. Only two players avoided the inquisition - Japanese-born Jong Tae-se and An Yong-hak, who flew straight to Japan after the tournament. However, media in South Korea said the players got off lightly by North Korean standards.
“In the past, North Korean athletes and coaches who performed badly were sent to prison camps,” a South Korean intelligence source told the Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
When we are under the bodily concept of life, seeing the differences between us, it is often the case that we feel our group, our class of people, our culture or religion, is the best. And when something is against these ideas or conceptions, the five great enemies of peace which inhabit all of us - avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride - awake and exert their awful influence.
Because of our bodily conception, we may become proud of who we are, envious of others, and angry over their apparent differences from us. Because of these diverse perceptions, people cannot act in harmony in this material world. To act in harmony and unity, there must be a central focus. Since everyone is actually a spiritual being, a soul within the material body, accepting the body as oneself is an illusion. ... The failure to control our minds and senses is a weakness which creates the internal enemies: our vices, avarice, and misguided ambitions. Everyone may want peace and unity, but if we think we are these bodies, then we think the goal of life is to satisfy our mind and senses. ... So due to competition, there may be much quarreling, fighting, and struggle, all over the same prize or position.
Dr Stephen Knapp (Śrīpad Nandanandana dasa) :
“Toward World Peace”
“Seeing the Unity Between Us All”