www.news.bbc.co - Girls who eat a lot of meat during childhood tend to start their periods earlier than others, a study suggests. UK researchers compared the diets of more than 3,000 12-year-old girls. They found high meat consumption was strongly linked with early periods. Writing in the journal 'Public Health Nutrition', the researchers said a meat-rich diet might prepare the body for pregnancy, triggering an earlier puberty. The research, led by Dr Imogen Rogers at the University of Brighton, found that girls who had higher intakes of meat and protein between the ages of three and seven were more likely to have started their periods by the time they were 12-and-a-half than those who ate less. And 49 per cent of girls eating more than 12 portions of meat a week at the age of seven had reached puberty by 12-and-a-half, compared with 35 per cent of those who ate less than four portions of meat a week. Although this finding was independent of body weight, the study repeated previous research showing that bigger girls tend to menstruate early.
Dr Rogers, a senior lecturer at the university's School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, said there was evidence that girls who started their periods early faced a higher risk of diseases including breast and ovarian cancers and heart disease. Starting periods at an early age has been linked with an increased risk of breast cancer, possibly because women are exposed to higher levels of oestrogen over their lifetime. But the researchers stressed there was no need for young girls to cut meat out of their diet as those with the highest meat consumption were eating a lot. Dr Rogers said further studies were needed but evidence suggested it was healthier to avoid eating very large amounts of meat.
Why are girls’ bodies reaching puberty and maturing so fast? This study suggests that girls who eat a lot of meat during childhood tend to start their periods earlier than others, and this is linked to breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other diseases. However, people still blindly think that “eating meat in moderation” forms part of a balanced diet for children.
Eating of cow flesh or the flesh of any other animal, the motivation behind slaughter, is detrimental to the health of human beings. For example, ... animal toxins tend to pervert the metabolism of carbohydrates and cause diabetes. Non-nutritive substances tend to be irritants and therefore carcinogenic. ... Many studies in cancer research reveal that areas in which meat-eating is highest tend to have the highest cancer rate, while vegetarian areas generally have a far lower rate. ... The smells from dead animal carcasses and dead fish are horrible and can only be tolerated by intoxication or other dulling of the senses. Most children have to be forced to eat the first portions of meat or fish. Vegetarian foods, on the other hand, are colourful, pleasing to the eyesight, to the sense of smell and to the palate.
Vedic Knowledge On Line :
“Hidden Price of Meat.”
VEDA - Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Krishna.com
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