OTTAWA (AFP) - Canada's Conservative government says it will fight the EU ban, which was imposed last July on the grounds that the annual seal hunt off the east coast was cruel and inhumane. A dish of double-smoked bacon-wrapped seal loin in a port reduction was on the menu on Wednesday, according the office of Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette. "All political parties will have the opportunity to demonstrate to the international community the solidarity of the Canadian Parliament behind those who earn a living from the seal hunt," she said in a statement. An aide to Hervieux-Payette said that, depending on supplies, seal meat could be available once a week when in season. The luncheon in a chic dining room in the roof space over the Commons Chamber was attended by politicians of all stripes, lawmakers, including several ministers - one in seal fur, and a beauty queen Miss Newfoundland 2010, Sara Green.
Outside parliament, meanwhile, a handful of protestors railed against the annual seal hunt, which begins again at the end of the month, accusing Canada of propping up "an embarrassingly cruel slaughter." The EU ban was imposed last July after years of campaigning by animal rights activists on the grounds that the annual east coast seal hunt is cruel. The ban covers seal products including clothing, meat and oil. Ottawa is fighting the ban, saying the seal hunt is sustainable and provides needed income for fishing isolated communities. A maximum of 270,000 harp seals are killed each year in March and April by gunshot or being hit on the head with a spiked club called a hakapik.
The rulers and governing class, in their desire to accumulate more power, money and sophisticated pleasures, do not hesitate to support the slaughter of defenseless animals, under the guise of benefiting the trade and development of their country.
Vaishnava dasa said: The scriptures declare, “Don't do violence to any creature.” With these words the Vedas prohibit violence to animals. As long as he is in the grip of the modes of passion and ignorance, a man will yearn to associate with women, eat meat, and drink liquor. He does not wait to hear the Vedas command him before he does these things. ... In this material world the conditioned soul is always inclined to sex, meat-eating, and intoxication. ... However, men in the mode of goodness should not perform such activities. To be violent to others is the way of the animals.
Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thākura :
“Jaiva-dharma” (“The Universal Religion”)
Chapter Ten: “Nitya-dharma O Itihasa”
(“Eternal Religion and History”)
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