Lima, Jul. 21 (ANDINA).- Peru’s Foreign Minister José Antonio García Belaunde urged more social mobilization efforts to prevent arms race in the region, as consequence of Chile’s increased military expenses. He said Peru is worried about the military expenses of the southern country and said this trigger an arms race. However, he rejected that these purchases constitute a sort of arms race, when asked about whether Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia should react to this situation. “I think there should be more social mobilization efforts, because we can’t enter a process of arms race with all the needs we have,” he told Peru 21daily newspaper. “I wouldn’t say there is a cold war, but there is an incitement for an arms race,” he said.
CHILE DENIES ARMS RACE: Chilean Chancellor Mariano Fernandez strongly denied that recent Chilean weapons acquisitions could alter the South American military balance, he said that Chilean short and medium military equipment purchases “were not part of an arms race”. In this way he denied that Chile is driving an arms race on the continent by acquiring new weapons, but "it is just a normal process of modernisation" of its naval fleet and Army.WHAT DO THE VEDIC TEACHINGS TELL US?
The asuras want to enjoy a life of sense gratification, even at the cost of others' happiness. In order to fulfill this ambition, the asuras, especially atheistic kings or state executive heads, try to equip themselves with all kinds of deadly weapons to bring about a war in a peaceful society. They have no ambition other than personal aggrandizement, and thus mother earth feels overburdened by such undue increases of military strength. By increase of the asuric population, those who follow the principles of religion become unhappy, especially the devotees, or devas.
In such a situation, the Personality of Godhead incarnates to vanquish the unwanted asuras and to reestablish the true principles of religion. This was the mission of Lord Śrī Krishna, and He fulfilled it.
Srila A.C. BV Swami Prabhupada:
"The Srimad Bhagavatam - Purport in Canto 1 - Chapter 16 - Verse 34"
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