Monday, October 20, 2014


EBOLA VIRUS KILLS THOUSANDS? The fear of Ebola has spread faster in America than the virus itself. Ebola has infected the American psyche, forcing us to do risk analysis of a pathogen we know little about. This is different from the flu scares of recent years, because this virus is novel here, and we have no cultural memory of what we are supposed to do, or think, or believe, when Ebola is on the loose. 
People have to wonder: How contagious is this virus - really? Is there something different and more pernicious about this particular strain of Ebola? The experts can’t answer such questions with certainty. Ebola has been known to science only since 1976. As an exotic disease that until this year affected only Africans in rural villages, Ebola hasn’t been studied as closely as, say, influenza or HIV.

The virus has its quirks: Some people infected with Ebola never get sick at all. Some who become sick shed massive amounts of virus - they’re “super-shedders” - but others do not. Fever is typically the first symptom of Ebola virus disease, but sometimes it’s a lagging indicator or never appears at all. The virus is mutating, like all viruses, and could conceivably - this is a very remote possibility - change its mode of transmission, a fact that has been much hyped in recent weeks by those with an alarmist frame of mind. 
Yet for all these uncertainties, the Ebola emergency in the United States has in a key respect played out exactly as epidemiologists would have expected: The people who have gotten infected, both of them at a Dallas hospital, had close contact with an extremely sick person. The incubation period of Ebola, from infection to symptoms, is generally considered to be between two and 21 days.

These days, different websites are saying that the Ebola outbreak is a hoax. They say that all of this is a massive lie and manipulative effort by the US government for ulterior motives. Others even affirm that the illness is being created by the own Red Cross vaccinations. What is the truth? The World Health Organization explains that Ebola virus particles occupy an infected person’s blood and other bodily fluids, which can enter another person through the eyes, mucous membranes, scratches on the skin or from a hypodermic needle — not from from the air or from insects. The bodies of people who have died of the disease are highly infectious. Without protective equipment, being within three feet of a patient for long periods of time is less risky, but not advisable. In small West African villages, the close personal attention given to sick or dead family members can easily spread the disease. According to WHO, officially listing the United States as having three cases (Duncan, Pham and Vinson) and one death (Duncan), while Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have had 9,191 cases and 4,546 deaths. Being surrounded by daily doubt, deceit, anguish and suffering, we are always afraid of death because we are not sure what we will be or where we will go in the afterlife. We must involve the Supreme Lord in our daily chores, tell others about Him and chant His holy names; in this way we can let go of our fears by trusting that God will take care of us. (Editor's note).

Each life is meant for us to learn more about ourselves, and about who we are. Death is not simply a matter of getting old or sick and then dying. Natural death happens when you have finished doing what you were meant to do in this life. You may have wanted to do more or not, but when you have done what you were meant to do, you will move on. Nature will arrange it that you will leave this realm. Each life is like a classroom wherein you learn a certain amount, and go through a certain number of lessons or tests. Then you graduate to the next class. We can learn willingly or unwillingly. We can cooperate or be uncooperative. We can repeatedly keep going through it until we learn all of the necessary lessons to go on to the next level. That is our choice. And if you have failed any of the tests, don't worry. You'll have the chance to try it again.

Dr Stephen Knapp (Śrīpad Nandanandana dasa) :
“Facing Death: Welcoming the Afterlife”
“Dispelling The Fear of Death”  -

Published by dasavatara das - “Vedic Views on World News”

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