Sunday, January 5, 2014


WAS EATEN ALIVE BY 120 HUNGRY DOGS - Kim Jong-un’s uncle was killed after being stripped naked and fed to a pack of hungry dogs, according to reports in a Chinese state-backed newspaper. North Korea has already described Jang Song Thaek as “despicable human scum, worse than a dog,” but the report, which appears in Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po newspaper, suggests he may have met his end in the jaws of dogs. The account - which cannot be verified - describes how Jang Song Thaek and five of his aides were stripped naked and fed to 120 hungry hounds, who had been starved for three days. The whole process lasted is reported to have lasted an hour, and as they were eaten, hundreds of officials watched. The Singaporean Straits Times claims that the brutal account listed alongside a number of other criticisms in the report shows how Beijing is displeased with the changing regime.

Previously it had been reported that a number of Jang Song Thaek’s aides were executed with anti-aircraft machine guns. Aidan Foster-Carter, a senior research fellow in Sociology and Modern Korea at Leeds University, told The Independent: “I put no cruelty past the North Korean regime, but it does sound extreme even for them. In the recent past, they did have an effigy of the South Korean president mauled by dogs. 
The Straits Times adds: “The horrifying report vividly depicted the brutality of the young North Korean leader. The fact that it appeared in a Beijing-controlled newspaper showed that China no longer cares about its relations with the Kim regime.” It also claims “the official litany of Jang’s treason implicated China three times.”

According to this news report North Korean leader Kim Jong Un executed uncle by feeding him to pack of starving dogs. Jang Song Thaek was stripped naked, thrown in a cage and mauled by 120 hunting dogs that had been starved for many days. Kim Jong Un and 300 officials reportedly watched the gruesome hour-long horror show during which the one who had been considered Kim's second-in-command was eaten alive. International observers have considered that North Korea is now engaged in a reign of terror and it is feared that Jang's execution is just the first public killing of a senior official and a wave of purges would follow very soon within Kim's brutal regime. It is our main duty to bring spiritual understanding to the general public, specially towards those living under communist regimes or in a godless society, without knowledge and spiritual practices. Our spiritual masters have taught us that we have to ask ourselves “Is our life truly beneficial to anyone? Really? What is it so urgent that prevents us to work toward spreading spiritual knowledge. What is it that is so crucial that it distracts us from this purpose?” Are we really dedicated to distribute the wonderful teachings about universal love we have received? Why are we so selfish that we only interested in our spiritual progress and we do not mind spreading these spiritual wonders for people who are in the darkness of atheism? If we cannot engage in distributing the deep spiritual wisdom that Srila Prabhupada and the true representatives of the Vaisnava Guru Parampara has given to us, then … what are we doing? (Editor's note).

For those of us who know the deep aspects of spiritual truth, we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the conditions of the world. It is up to us to change it by delivering this knowledge to others. So if things have not been adjusted appropriately, then it is because we have not done our duty to bring this knowledge to the mainstream of society in a way in which allows everyone to take it and participate in some aspect of it. It is our fault for whatever is wrong in this world. It is our fault we haven't carried out the mission of our spiritual master. That is up to us. And if we all felt that way enough to remain free of the distractions and stay focused on our mission, the world could change and be uplifted quite rapidly. In light of this, I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for what happened. I ask myself, have I done all I can do? Could I have done something more to spread spiritual knowledge in a way that would help reach enough people so that crimes like this would not happen?

Dr Stephen Knapp (Śrīpad Nandanandana dasa) :
“A Reason Why I Am Determined to Spread Spiritual Knowledge”

Published by dasavatara das - “Vedic Views on World News”

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