Saturday, July 20, 2013


POPULOUS NATION AROUND 2028 - India's population is forecast to continue to grow until 2050, according to the United Nations. India looks set to overtake China as the world's most populous country from 2028, according to the United Nations. At that point, both nations will number 1.45 billion people each. Subsequently India's population will continue to grow until the middle of the century, while China's slowly declines. 
The UN also estimates that the current global population of 7.2 billion will reach 9.6 billion by 2050. That is a faster rate of growth than previously estimated. The UN said the reason for the increase in its projection is largely new information on fertility levels in certain high birth rate countries.

The world's 49 least developed countries are projected to double in size from around 900 million people in 2013 to 1.8 billion in 2050, whereas the population of developed regions will remain largely unchanged. Large developing countries, such as China, India and Brazil, have seen a rapid fall in the average number of children per woman, but in other nations, such as Nigeria, Niger, Ethiopia and Uganda, fertility levels remain high.
The population growth will be mainly in developing countries, particularly in Africa, the UN says. “Although population growth has slowed for the world as a whole, this report reminds us that some developing countries, especially in Africa, are still growing rapidly,” said Wu Hongbo, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs.

The ONU's report says India is expected to become the world's most populous country, passing China around 2028, when both countries will have populations of 1.45 billion. After that, India's population will continue to grow and that of China is expected to start decreasing. The report says the world's population will hit 7.2 billion next month and is projected to reach 10.9 billion by 2100. In view of all this, proponents of contraception claim it solves many social problems. However, a family who raises children dedicated to God is blessed with spiritual growth and satisfaction.

Many people will argue that without birth control, families will have a dozen or more children. Yet in societies where birth control isn't practiced, the average number of children per family is six. Six children per family may seem too many for the earth, but the entire present world population could fit in France or in the state of Texas, with 1,500 square feet per person. ... All the world's scriptures urge us to have many children, and describe children as a blessing. The only burden on the earth mentioned in the Vedic scriptures is that of a large population of sinful people who live lives of crime and deceit. The Lord, Sri Krishna, is unlimitedly wealthy and can easily provide adequately for all His obedient children.

Śrīmati Urmila devi dasi :
“Birth Control Myths”
Less of a Population Burden on the Planet?

Published by dasavatara das - “Vedic Views on World News”

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