Wednesday, June 5, 2013


ITS THEME IS “THINK. EAT. SAVE” - World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated each year on June 5 to spread global awareness among the inhabitants of earth regarding mother nature. Each year this day is celebrated with a theme and this year the theme is THINK.EAT.SAVE. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted. At the same time, 1 in every 7 people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die daily due to hunger. 
This year's theme encourages reduction of food wastage and be more aware of the environmental impact of their food choices, which in turn will help save money and minimise the environmental impact of food production. It is the responsibility of every citizen to help maintain the ecological balance. 

Here are 5 things that you can do as a global citizen: 1) Spread awareness: The major purpose of this year's theme is to start making changes from the household level. 2) Build a small farm or garden: We know it's difficult to find space in a metropolitan city, but if you're blessed with one, make and maintain a small farm or garden. 3) Travel by public transport: Take public transportation on World Environment Day and vow to take it more often than you do. If you're already a public transport user, take a walk. 
4)  Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Recycle: If you're not already into this habit, it's a good day of the year to start. These 5R's are magic mantras when it comes to environmental conservation and sustainable usage. 5) Publicise: Let people know what you plan to do and do it this World Environment Day.

World Environment Day - which is similar to Earth Day - is celebrated annually on June 5th and was created to inspire people around the globe to become active about the environment and learn more about ways they can help to ensure the future of our planet is safe. Each year the United Nations pick a theme and a host city where environmental topics can be discussed. This year (2013) Mongolia is the global host of WED 2013, and the theme is “Think.Eat.Save.” Many environmentalists, academics and scientists will come together to bring new ideas to the table concerning the environment. They should search for spiritual and moral inspiration about environmentalism in the ancient Vedic culture.

Long before ecology became the refrain of the global song at Stockholm and Rio, the ancient Indic heritage had already provided a spacious spiritual home for the environmental ethos. In the West, the term ‘ecology’ was coined only in the latter half of the 19th century from the Greek word Oikos, meaning ‘home’. But India has, throughout trackless centuries, provided an ample expanse of friendly space for an open and ongoing discourse of ideas. The Jain, Vedic and Buddhist traditions established the principles of ecological harmony centuries ago - not because the world was perceived as heading for an imminent environmental disaster or destruction, nor because of any immediate utilitarian exigency, but through its quest for spiritual and physical symbiosis, synthesized in a system of ethical awareness and moral responsibility. 

H. E. Dr Laxmi Mall Singhvi :
Former President of the World Congress on Human Rights
“The East is green” - August 1996.

Published by dasavatara das - "Vedic Views on World News"

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