www.latimes.com - Investigators on Wednesday carefully combed the scene around the two explosions that tore through the Boston Marathon, part of what is expected to be a long investigation to identify who was responsible for the act of terrorism. Investigators have reportedly found more pieces of the devices that killed at three and injured more than 170 people in two explosions near the finish line of the marathon Monday. Reports on Wednesday from the Associated Press and CNN said that authorities have recovered the lid of a pressure cooker that apparently housed the explosives.
The Boston Globe and others have reported that a piece of circuit board has been found and is believed to be part of the triggering mechanism for the bomb. The latest finds join the scraps of black nylon - perhaps from a backpack - and fragments of BBs and nails possibly contained in a pressure-cooker device previously identified by forensic experts.
There are no “specific suspect or targets,” Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said. While “every hour, every day” brings investigators “a little closer” to finding out who was responsible, Patrick said everyone needs to “settle down and settle in for a long, painstaking investigation.” The FBI and other investigators have appealed to the public for any video or photographs taken at the marathon. The FBI and other investigators have appealed to the public for any video or photographs taken at the marathon.
Officials have said they are examining more that 2,000 tips received so far and are seeking public help in generating more leads. The number of injured has climbed to more than 170, including about 70 victims still hospitalized, 19 in critical condition. Medical personnel treating the wounded found evidence suggesting the bombmaker or bombmakers sought to maximize the suffering.
Two days after two bombs tore through a crowd of spectators at the Boston Marathon, little is known about the motive or culprit(s). The bombs were housed in metal containers and studded with metal, including fine nails or brads, to make the devices more lethal. These devices - usually triggered with a circuit - are essentially pressure cookers, packed with some sort of explosive and bits of metal and shrapnel designed to maim. It is believed they were similar to the kind used in attacks in the Mideast. Medical team said they found metal pellets and many carpenter-type nails inside patients' bodies. Who may have wanted to cause mass destruction remained a mystery. Violent people do not hesitate to commit great sins to fulfill their destructive ends.
There is an outbreak of conflagration of group clashes throughout the world. Nowhere you will find peace. ... Supreme Lord Sri Krishna who is 'Achyuta' can only be the common center of interest from whom all the spirit souls have emanated. If we pour water at the root of the tree, whole tree is nourished with all its parts, in like manner, by serving Krishna we serve all. Non-Violence is to refrain from doing injury to others - it is negative, but love is to do positive good to others. If anybody has got pure love to any person, he cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any part of the object of his love. If we get love for Krishna, we cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any of His parts emanating from His marginal potency. All Jivas are interrelated through their relation to Sri Krishna.
Śrīla Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Mahārāja :
"Strongest Spiritual Force on Earth"
Press conference, December, 2000 - Mumbai
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (SCGM)