Sunday, February 24, 2013


HEART ATTACKS ARE MORE DEADLY - Patients released from the hospital following a heart attack are more likely to die over the following years if they go home to an area with higher levels of air pollution, according to a new study in the European Heart Journal. By air pollution, the study refers specifically to particulate matter that's 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). No significant results were found for larger particles or for the presence of nitrogen oxide in the air. But reducing the concentration of PM2.5 to a baseline level, absent human contributions, could reduce post-heart attack mortality by 12 %.
To arrive at this data, they followed over 150,000 patients in England and Wales, cross-referencing their health records with average air pollution levels for their postcode. At the study's end, a quarter had passed away; the researchers estimate that 4,783 of those deaths occurred prematurely due to the influence of air pollution.

What's interesting about researchers focus on the patient's location, though, is that one of the aims of the study was to evaluate whether air pollution might be contributing to the socioeconomic disparities seen in mortality following heart attacks: Multiple studies have established that patients with lower income and less education are more likely to die following a heart attack. The same has been established for people living in poorer communities, which are also known to suffer disproportionately from poor air quality. 
But after accounting for factors like smoking and diabetes, the researchers found little support for air pollution's ability to explain the steady decline of recovery rates with lowered socioeconomic status. Something else, yet to be fully understood, must be behind that association; air pollution is more of an equal opportunity health risk.

The PM2.5 are particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, called "fine" particles. These tiny particles introduced into the atmosphere by human activity appear to hinder our recovery after heart attacks by as much as 20 percent. Lindsay Abrams - the author of the article, explains that in the U.S. the major sources of PM2.5 include traffic, wood burned in stoves and fireplaces, field and forest burning, and, to a lesser extent, industrial production. Along with the industrial revolution and the proliferation of automobiles, air pollution threatens humanity; however, the worst effect of the modernization and the urbanization is the increasingly breakdown of morals, ethics and mental stability.

If we deal properly with consciousness then we can realistically deal with the problems of this world. Otherwise we are just doing patchwork. The cause of all the pollution in the world is polluted consciousness. Because our minds are highly polluted with toxic greed. What is the nature of this greed? It can never be satisfied. The Vedic solution is to learn how to be content and satisfied with simple things - simple living high thinking. Earth is our mother and the natural resources are sacred, they are God’s energy and how we respect and utilize them is what is going to determine the fate of the world. We could be happy with the simple things that God provides if we just learn the art of using them in harmony with the will of God.

Śrīla Radhanath Swami Mahārāja :
"Vedic Solution to Environmental Pollution"  -

Published by dasavatara das - "Vedic Views on World News"

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