Friday, September 14, 2012


OWNER’S GRAVE FOR SIX YEARS - A faithful dog has refused to move from his master’s grave for six years, a family claims. German Shepherd pet Capitan ran away after his owner Miguel Guzman died in 2006. A week later Mr Guzman’s family went to pay their respects at his tomb and found the heartbroken hound sitting there, howling. Since then the grieving dog has rarely left the spot at the cemetery. Mr Guzman bought Capitan as a present for his 13-year-old son Damian in 2005 but died suddenly in March the next year. When his family returned from the funeral Capitan was gone. Mr Guzman’s widow Vernonica was today reported as saying: “We searched for him but he had vanished. We thought he must have got run over and died. “The following Sunday we went to the cemetery and Damian recognised his pet. Capitan came up to us, barking and wailing, as if he were crying. “We had never taken him to the cemetery so it is a mystery how he managed to find the place. “We went back the next Sunday and he was there again. This time, he followed us home and spent a bit of time with us, but then went back to the cemetery before it started getting dark. “I don’t think he wanted to leave Miguel on his own at night.” 

Cemetery director Hector Baccega remembers the day he first saw the dog. He said: “He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master. “During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave and stays there all night.” Mr Baccega said staff at the cemetery in Villa Carlos Paz, central Argentina are now feeding and taking care of Capitan.  It is reported that Guzman's relatives have tried to bring Capitán back home, but each time the dog returns to his master's grave. The dog follows them home a short distance before he returns to the cemetery. Guzman's family say they would love to have Capitán return home, but it is clear that he would rather remain by his dead master's side. Mr Guzman’s son Damian said: “I’ve tried to bring Capitan home several times, but he always comes straight back to the cemetery. I think he’s going to be there until he dies too. He’s looking after my dad.” Capitan follows in the tracks of Hachiko, an Akita dog which is said to have waited at a Tokyo train station for its master to return each day for nine years from May 1925, following owner Hidesaburo Ueno’s death at work.

An extremely dedicated dog has continued to show its loyalty, keeping watch on its owner's grave six years after he passed away. Capitan, a German shepherd, reportedly ran away from home after its owner, Miguel Guzman, died in 2006 in Carlos Paz, central Argentina. A week later, the Guzman family found the dog sitting by his grave at the cemetery. Capitán walks around the cemetery during the day but retires to his master's tomb in the evening and spends the night next to the headstone. Cemetery director Hector Baccega thinks Capitán provides a valuable lesson for humans in loyalty. Stories of loyalty and devotion of “man's best friend” never cease to amaze us; however, sadhus find these stories reasonable because they can see that in all corporeal living beings the spiritual spark is present.

According to Vedanta, there is another reality in nature different from matter. It is the fundamental spiritual particle (called atman in Vedantic terminology). It is a transcendental particle and is ontologically different from matter. It has a conscious property and has free will contrary to material particles like electrons. It is only by the presence of the “spiriton” that matter appears animated. In Vedanta this seemingly animated matter is referred to as embodied life. According to Vedanta, every life form has atma or spiriton, within it. In other words not only do human beings possess a spiriton, but so do all microorganisms, insects, aquatics, plants, reptiles, birds, and so on. In this regard, Vedanta is unique and different from the scientific and theological views of many other world traditions. The Bhagavadgita (verse 15.7), states: mamaivamso jivaloke jivabhutah sanatanah, which means that all spiritons are eternal conscious particles of the Supreme Lord. ... Vedanta explains that matter, however complex, will never generate life or its inherent symptom, consciousness.

T.D. Singh, Ph.D. - Śrīla Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Mahārāja :
“Hinduism and Science” - Chapter 2. “Nature of Life and Matter”
Bhaktivedanta Institute -

Published by dasavatara das - "Vedic Views on World News"

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