Thursday, September 29, 2011



By Linda Rubin - “Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year, a time in which we’re called to reflection and introspection. And it’s a time during which we measure how successfully we are functioning in our relationships to other people and also to God,” said Rabbi Alan Benson, back in the Valley to lead Beth Meier Congregation in Studio City after a three-year sojourn in the east.  In preparation for the holidays, during the current Hebrew month of Elul, Jews traditionally begin the process of reflection and transformation by apologizing to their families, friends and colleagues for any betrayals or slights, whether done consciously or unaware. We are directed to seek forgiveness diligently, asking three times for exoneration if it is not readily granted.

Toward the end of the month, the last Saturday before Rosh Hashana, we observe the service of Selichot where we begin to ask God (or the universe or the inner voice) to absolve us for the “sins,” misdirection, or errors of the last year. “This work of reflection and improvement [is what] in Hebrew we call teshuva,” Benson explained.  Rosh Hashana, which begins at sundown Wednesday, is considered the birthday of the world. Benson says this is an opportunity for Jews to acknowledge and be grateful to be part of this creation and that we have obligations to everyone else and everything with whom we share the world.

Israelis welcomed the Jewish New Year with optimism.  Rosh Hashana, which began at sundown Wednesday, ushers in 10 days of Jewish soul-searching - known as the “Days of Awe” - capped by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  “Rosh Hashana is the days on which we are called do the serious work of correcting and improving our relationships,” said Rabbi Alan Benson.  The holy season culminates with community prayer, reflection and resolution to grow and change.  Many studies point that Jews are a branch of the Vedic Family.

The ancient Jews were descendants of the Aryas. Their beliefs were the same of those of Aryas. The Primeval Man, whom they called Adam, was Brahma, the originator of mankind. The Hebrew name is derived from “Atma-Bhu”, one of the epithets of Brahma. In the beginning of Creation ‘Brahma gave names to all objects and beings’, and so did Adam according to Jewish tradition; ‘and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof’.  In later times the Jews forgot their ancient history and ancestry and became narrow in their outlook. They considered themselves to be the oldest of all races. … Hence a majority of the modern Jews and the dogmatic Christians and especially many professors of Sanskrit found it hard to reconcile themselves to the view that any race or civilisation could be older than the date of Adam accepted by them. 

Vedic Knowledge Online :
“Western Indologists: A Study in Motives”
Written by Purohit Bhagavan Dutt

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