Friday, August 12, 2011


New Delhi, India (HPI) - “The anthropological research reports have established that DNA dating for Paleolithic continuity starts from 60,000 BC. The Genome studies during the Holocene have revealed that the genetic profile of humans settled in north, south, east and west of India is the same and has remained the same for the last more than 11,000 years. Therefore, contrary to the popular belief, the Dravidians as well as north Indians have common ancestors and both are originals of India.” This interesting revelation was made by Dr. V.R. Rao, Professor of Anthropology, Delhi University while presenting his paper at the national seminar on “Scientific Dating Of Ancient Events Before 2000 BC”.  The Seminar was held on 30th and 31st July, 2011 at the auditorium of Indian Institute of Mass Communication in New Delhi. 

The seminar was attended by about 400 people including Sanskrit scholars and astronomers, archaeologists and geologists, ecologists and anthropologists, oceanographers and space scientists, bureaucrats and academicians as well as other persons from the public and media, who took deep interest in the deliberations of this otherwise highly technical event organized by the Delhi chapter of I-SERVE [Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas].  Ms Saroj Bala, Director, I-Serve, Delhi Chapter stated, “Till now we have been told that prior to 1500 BC, India was uncivilized and that the Aryans who came from Central Asia pushed the uncivilized inhabitants towards the south and were later known as Dravidians. These invaders were the ones who set up the first civilized society in North India. Multidisciplinary and purely scientific research has shown that this premise, which was based on linguistic guesswork, is not correct.”

Speaking at a national seminar on ‘Scientific Dating of Ancient Events before 2000 BC’, India former president APJ Abdul Kalam welcomed efforts by scientists and scholars to verify the facts of ancient India.  He said their archaeological findings provide scientific clues to the dating of the Ramayana era and places associated with Lord Ram.  A lot of what is treated as mythology, for want of evidence, may actually become history if a systematic and coordinated investigation is made through all the various tools and techniques that are available today.  

We, Indians, are the products of one of the oldest civilisations.  We need to be really proud of our ancient history and cultural heritage.  However, during the British Rule, we developed an inferiority complex, which adversely affected our quest to unearth facts relating to our glorious past.  But our young and educated men and women, being born and brought up in independent India, are capable of unearthing the true facts and are confident enough to evaluate these objectively. ... There is a need to constitute a multidisciplinary team in order to carry out research pertaining to most ancient period and this team should consist of Sanskrit Pandits, Astronomers, Archaeologists, Geologists and Space Scientists.  This team should be asked to carry out and correlate research activities in order to rewrite the history after verifying the authenticity and dating of most ancient events of Indian history.

Ms Saroj Bala :
“Historicity of the Era of Lord Rama”
Director, I-Serve, Delhi Chapter
Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas

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