Monday, June 20, 2011


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE IN US, STUDY - About one in five young adults may have high blood pressure in US, a new study suggests, but many of them appear unaware of it.  Such are the results of the latest attempt to clarify just how many far-from-elderly Americans are putting their long-term health at risk via hypertension.  Researchers analyzed blood pressure data from the National Add Health, and focused specifically on the information about adults age 24 to 32.  They found that of those people, 19 percent had high blood pressure - that is, they had a blood pressure reading of 140/90 millimeters of mercury or higher.  “And we found the results across every demographic: age, race, ethnicity, gender and level of obesity,” Dr. Eric Whitsel, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said. “So it didn’t seem like it was concentrated within a particular group of individuals.”

The emphasized message is clear: 'it is not safe to assume that certain adults are too young to have hypertension'.  
Dr. Whitsel offered four ways to keep high blood pressure from getting too high:  1. Eat a balanced and healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables.  2. Reduce intake of sodium, which has a prominent effect on blood pressure levels, to less than 2,300 milligrams per day.  3. Limit daily alcohol consumption to two drinks or less for men and one drink or less for women.  4. Make sure you exercise regularly. Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every week.

Almost one in five younger adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure, and the younger a person is when they develop high blood pressure, the earlier this damage can start, according to a new study.  High blood pressure is caused by a mix of social, behavioral and biological factors, and generally it reveals an unhealthy lifestyle.  It is important to do any discipline that allows the body to function in harmony, and the practice of Hatha yoga has many benefits. 

The blood circulatory system is composed of “lines” along which the most essential components to our health, both energized as we will have to be removed to complete the metabolic cycle. If excess toxins, the pipes are saturated, the blood is weak and the toxins are circulating through the body, affecting the functioning of organs. Within a series of yoga postures in motion, especially the more energetic, the inverted and those involving the legs, which are designed to unclog and recycle system. ... On the other hand, all yoga exercises promote the health of the spine which is connected to the whole body through the nervous system. This system is a big network throughout the body and receives the benefit of all tools used by yoga, such as mantras, breathing, postures and meditation, help relax and tone the nervous system, calming and strengthening it at once.

Yoga Inbound :
Hatha Yoga - Topics of Interest
“What happens to our body when we practice yoga?”
Radha Charan d.d. -

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