Prabhupada: Sai Baba. He is showing little yogic aisvarya. But people are, because they do not know, they are not aware of Krishna, they are taking him as God. You see? ... Suppose a man declares himself that “I am avatara.” So intelligent man should test him, how he is avatara. We accept Krishna or Lord Ramacandra for their uncommon activities. But what are the uncommon activities, so many avataras? Simply being praised by a group of persons. That’s all. They must be accepted by the sastra that he is avatara. Otherwise, why so cheap avatara, we shall accept?
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
Morning Walk - April 4, 1974, Bombay
Conversations - - The Complete Works of HDG ACBSP
Morning Walk - April 4, 1974, Bombay
Conversations - - The Complete Works of HDG ACBSP
Prabhupada: Sai Baba, he also says, “I am Bhagavan.” Therefore he’s bogus. How you can say yourself that you are Bhagavan, God? What is your power? What you have shown? And this is cheap. Now, supposing Sai Baba is God. So people accept him God, why? Because he shows some jugglery. He creates little gold. Is it not? So if, by creating gold, he is God, then there is bigger God who has created gold mine. Why shall I go to this tiny god? I must go to the big God who has created gold mine. This is common sense. But foolish people, they have no common sense even.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
Room Conversation with Sanskrit Professor,
other Guests and Disciples - February 12, 1975, Mexico
Conversations - 750212rc.mex - The Complete Works of HDG ACBSP
Room Conversation with Sanskrit Professor,
other Guests and Disciples - February 12, 1975, Mexico
Conversations - 750212rc.mex - The Complete Works of HDG ACBSP
A. Vaisnavas do not accept Sathya Sai Baba as Bhagavan (God). ... Because the Vaisnavas are concerned with Bhagavan and always hearing and chanting about Him, they should know best who is Bhagavan and who is not. ... Being absorbed in thoughts of Visnu/Krsna, should Bhagavan descend in one of his incarnations, his devotees would be the first to recognize him. There is no doubt that Krishna is God, but Vaisnavas doubt that Sai Baba is Krishna for good reason. He may be an accomplished yogi.
Śrīla Bhakti Vedanta Tripurari Mahārāja :
Sri Caitanya Sanga - Sep. 2, 2000, Vol. II, No. 33
“Nistha: Into the Valley of Love of God” - Q & A with Swami B. V. Tripurari
Sri Caitanya Sanga - Sep. 2, 2000, Vol. II, No. 33
“Nistha: Into the Valley of Love of God” - Q & A with Swami B. V. Tripurari
Śrīla Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Mahārāja :
Comment posted on Vedic Views on World News blog
“Sathya Sai Baba Passes Away at 84” - April 25, 2011 5:54 PM
Comment posted on Vedic Views on World News blog
“Sathya Sai Baba Passes Away at 84” - April 25, 2011 5:54 PM
Even in his subtle form, Swami continues to touch the hearts of the indigent people through the initiatives undertaken by His ardent devotees.
madhusudan naidu
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
It is good to see people working hard to create smiles on the faces of needy people.
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Many schools have been established under the enlightenment of Swami to help children understand human values along with attaining academic excellence.
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Learning is an ever-evolving process. Each and every instance shapes our life in one way or the other.Swami established schools with the divine motive of enhancing the learning of students in terms of mutual respect and cooperation.
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Education is a basic necessity of life. And rural children need to have a taste of education to uplift their life and the rural sector.
madhusudan naidu
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Education should be aimed at moulding students on the lines of human values such as love, peace, righteousness and non-violence.
madhusudan naidu
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Our schools built under the ideals of Swami educates children for academic perfection as well as human excellence. Swami, in his subtle form, continues to drive his institution on this lines
madhusudan naidu
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
It is important that we serve our rural children with a nutritious breakfast before enlightening their minds with academic as well as human values education.
madhusudan naidu facebook
madhusudan naidu facebook
Our Annapoorna Breakfast Programme makes sure that we fill the plate as well as the slate of children with nutritious food and human values respectively.
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
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