MOST OF IT IS CAUSED BY SMOKING - Oral cancer occurs on the lips (usually the lower lip), inside the mouth, on the back of the throat, tonsils or salivary glands. It occurs more frequently in men than women, and especially so to people over 40 years. Cigarette smoking combined with heavy alcohol use is a key risk factor. Late detection of oral cancer may involve surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Early detection of oral cancer is essential for successful treatment. What are the symptoms of oral cancer? Some of these include:A sore on the lips, gums or inside your mouth that bleeds easily and does not heal. A lump or thickening in the cheek that you can feel with your tongue. Loss of feeling or numbness in any part of the mouth. White or red patches on the gums, tongue or inside the mouth. Difficulty at chewing or swallowing food. Pain, without explanation, in the mouth or choking sensation in the throat.
How to prevent oral cancer? If you do not smoke or chew snuff, do not start ever. Almost 80 or 90% of cases of oral cancer are due to smoking. The relationship between smoking, lung cancer and heart disease has been extensively tested.
Smoking is bad for your overall health and it hampers your immune system fight infections or your recovering from injuries and surgeries. Among young people, smoking can lead to stunted growth and developmental difficulties. Many smokers do not smell or taste and is common to suffer from bad breath and stained teeth. High alcohol consumption increases cancer risk, and combined with snuff creates a particularly high risk factor. The best thing is to not smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes, snuff or chew. People who stop using snuff, even after many years of use, greatly reduce the risk of oral cancer.
Smoking cigarettes, pipes or cigars increases the chances of developing cancer of the larynx, throat and esophagus. Like most people do not know or ignore early symptoms, oral cancer often spreads before it is detected. The people trapped in cigarette addiction can get rid of this material pleasure if they can experience a higher taste on the spiritual plane. WHAT DO THE VEDIC TEACHINGS TELL US?
The camel is pleased to eat thorny plants, so he is destroying his nose, in order to enjoy the taste of his own blood without being conscious of pain and self-mutilation. It seems that human beings act in the same way. A cigarette after another, one package after another, looking for enjoyment, but this pleasure lasts just a short time. The ads from different entities warn people that smoking is hazardous to health, but for them, the taste is what counts!. ... The process of Bhakti Yoga indicates that the intoxication, indiscriminate sex, gambling, eating meat, are self-destructive activities that must be abandoned as soon as possible. Not only because they corrupt the body and the mind, but because they impede the spiritual development and lead us to a life of suffering in the cycle of repeated births. The problem is that while we understand the need to avoid these things, we can not stop. We’re physically, psychologically and culturally addicted, so it is very difficult to achieve such a radical change in the way we are living.
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