Monday, May 31, 2010


NEW YORK - The observance, on 31st May each year, is meant to bring attention to the growing use of tobacco and its deadly effects, this event was established in nineteen eighty-seven. This year, special attention is being given to the harmful effects of tobacco marketing to women and girls. The WHO says the tobacco industry has increasingly directed its marketing campaigns at women and girls. Women currently represent about twenty percent of smokers. But tobacco use among girls is increasing. The WHO estimates that tobacco use caused one hundred million deaths in the twentieth century. If current rates continue, that number could reach one billion in this century. Events are planned in a number of countries to mark World No Tobacco Day. Many of the events are aimed at persuading people, especially the young, not to start smoking. Others aim to educate people about the many health benefits of quitting.

Demonstrations and public marches with vivid banners, educational programs and campaigns are launched in different parts of the world to discourage people from using tobacco in any form. According to a recent WHO report both men and women need “full information about the sex-specific effects of tobacco use.” This year the World Health Organization is highlighting the adverse effects of the tobacco industry targeting women and young girls. On World No Tobacco Day 2010, and throughout the following year, the WHO will encourage governments to pay particular attention to protecting women from the tobacco companies’ attempts to lure them into lifetimes of nicotine dependence. By responding to the WHO’s call, governments can reduce the number of fatal and crippling heart attacks, strokes, cancers and respiratory diseases that have become increasingly prevalent among women.

This year, WHO is aimed at protecting women and seeks to make men more aware and avoid smoking around those who live and work with: women and children. It is necessary to educate women about the advertising strategies of the tobacco industry trying to convince them about smoking, thus preventing them from being victims of this dreadful vice.

Narottama dasa Thakura sings, “Alas, I have given up the association of Krsna's devotees because I wanted to enjoy illusory material happiness. In this way I have become entangled in the network of karma.” Here Narottama uses the word sat-sanga, meaning “association with devotees of Krsna.” Sat-sanga can be found in the Krsna consciousness movement, where one can hear the Srimad-Bhagavatam, chant Hare Krsna, and practice how to become pure. Just the opposite is asat-sanga, bad association, which leads one to intoxication, illicit sex, drinking, and so many other sinful practices. The advertisers are asat-sanga: “Come on, smoke Kool cigarettes and make your brain cool.” The rascals!

Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
“Dharma - The Way of Transcendence”
Chapter 10: “The Sword of Remembrance”

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