MADRID (CNA) - With the recent approval of new abortion law in Spain, various secular institutions expressed their active participation in the “World Day for Life” which will be held on Thursday 25 March, under the motto “Unborn Child Day” with the aim of promoting the repeal of the new law. In all Spanish cities vigils, Eucharist or Rosaries for life, will be conducted.
As pointed, “what began as a demonstration to call attention to the new abortion law, in March 2009, it has become an appointment with a vocation for renewal every year and with an immediate goal: the repeal of the new law. ”
In Madrid, “the president of, Ignacio Arsuaga, will read one of the prayers (requests for the sacrament), during the Eucharistic celebration presided by Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, at the Almudena Cathedral,” the organizers explain. Also in several Spanish cities will be held peaceful demonstrations against abortion centers.
In Peru, the March for Life, under the Unborn Child Day, is organized by Ceprofarena (Center for Family and Promotion of Natural Fertility Regulation) in coordination with the Archbishop of Lima. In Venezuela, the Episcopal Conference (CEV) which since 2000 has held the Week for Life, will promote the Unborn Child Day.
In Argentina, there will be masses and awareness activities and also demand for “the defense of life since the moment of conception”.
The same will happen in Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia and many other Latin American countries.
Since “conception” and throughout pregnancy, the soul is present in the womb. The soul enters using the semen of the father as a vehicle. Germ cells of dad and mom come together under the supervision of Paramatma, who allows the soul to enter into the “emulsion” formed by sperm and egg, thus pregnancy is produced.
The soul is transferred to the semen of a man who is just suitable to become his father. During sexual intercourse, the soul is transferred through the semen of the father into the mother's womb in order to produce a particular type of body. … it is not the semen of the man that creates life within the womb of a woman; rather, the living entity, the soul, takes shelter in a particle of semen and is then pushed into the womb of a woman. Then the body develops. There is no possibility of creating a living entity without the presence of the soul simply by sexual intercourse.
Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda :
“The Śrīmad Bhāgavatam”
Purport in Canto 3 - Chapter 31 - Verse 1.
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